Hey, Guess What?!! You Already ARE the Perfect Parent!!
April 22, 2014 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
If you’re like me, you are your own worst critic. And there is no badge of honor in that, even though we have been brought up to believe it is so. You deserve the same “break” you are wanting your child to be given. And it has to start with you doing it for yourself, since you are their primary teacher. Ease up a little, and give yourself some validation. You deserve it!
A Typical Day at Riviera PlaySchool
September 1, 2013 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
Riviera PlaySchool is mainly child-directed. In other words, the teachers at PlaySchool meet the children where they are. Not just physically, by getting down on the same level when we speak, but also energetically, by being in the moment, and celebrating in their successes, and joining them in the joy of creation. When any conflict occurs, it is a true learning moment, and teachers are on hand to hold space for the children to resolve their own conflicts. We try to not rush to a resolution of our adult creation. Sometimes children can take a while to sort a conflict out to a place they deem to be “fair.”. And we give them space to take the time to do that, while offering support, and helping them keep bodies and hears safe. We pay particular attention to where we are during the conflict. We stay on the sidelines. We don’t jump into the fray energetically. If we notice our speech becoming more rapid, or our voice becoming louder, then that’s a signal to us to take a step back and let them have their own emotions about the conflict at hand. It’s pretty tricky, and it keeps us more awake as people. It is an incredibly magical thing to witness a couple of small children figure out a workable solution to their volatile dilemma…and then walk away laughing together, more emotionally and socially intelligent than before
Riviera PlaySchool Summer Camp: Sign Up is NOW!!!
March 21, 2013 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
Riviera PlaySchool Summer Camp: Build it to suit your schedule! Summer here at PlaySchool is full of water plans, trail adventures, games in the yard, tree climbing, wilderness hiking, gardening, fort building, fresh fruit off the trees and many more exciting plans with your friends. It is truly a magical time to be at PlaySchool!
What Writing Is…..
January 24, 2012 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
One day a little girl in our school tilted her head toward me and asked “Linda, will you write my story?”
Now, typically I would simply agree, but something told me not to on that day. So instead of putting pen to paper, I said “Nandu, I will write it. But why don’t you?”
Linda! Nandu puffed out in exasperation “I CAN’T write! I’m just 4!!”
“I looked at her “Nandu” do you know what writing is?”
Parenting With Spirit: An Intuitive Guide for Parenting With Joy & Compassion
November 29, 2011 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
A special one night mini course in PEACEFUL PARENTING with Jessica Wiggley is next week on December 6 at Riviera PlaySchool! RSVP if you plan to attend!
Ready To Learn: Defining Kindergarten Readiness Once and For All!
November 10, 2011 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
Now: Everything you need to know to Get Your Child Ready for Kindergarten! Kindergarten readiness, a hot topic among politicians, is also a hot topic among parents. With this in mind, let’s look at how kindergarten readiness goes far beyond learning the ABC’s and starts way back in infancy. Here are some general indicators that early childhood educators agree show children are prepared to enter kindergarten…
Today’s Educational World
November 3, 2011 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
Many parents don’t realize that the education world has changed drastically since they were in school. Schools and class sizes used to be smaller, dropout rates lower, in-school violence almost unheard of, and teachers weren’t terrified of showing affection to their students, or of discussing moral values. Of course, even then, school was far from perfect, but at least the teachers—and usually the principal—knew every student by name, something that is increasingly rare today.