Sunday, February 16, 2025

Should We Let Our Boys Play with Girls’ Toys?

April 21, 2013 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

I refuse to damage my sons! I will not allow my sons to play with girls’ toys, because I want to preserve their authentic selves….

Taking a Step Back Can Provide All The Freedom your Child Needs!

December 15, 2012 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

We all know that our children are not reflections of us, but every once in a while we get tricked into that lie again! It sneaks in, and we spring into RE-action, rather than mindful response. That way of “reflective” thinking is a trap that often leads us to seek approval from the random parents around us. It can throw us into a tizzy of self-judgment: Oh my gosh my child is screaming (at me)! What is that father/store clerk/woman thinking about us/me?! Instead of, “Oh my gosh my child is screaming… what does my child need that I can give him?” The irony is that those parents who we are trying to please in that hot moment of crisis don’t actually matter to us as much as our own children do, nor are they even in line with our own core values!

“How Children Learn” has been rescheduled! Stay tuned for the new date~~~!!!

April 27, 2012 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

Parenting is a life-long learning process of nurturing our connection with our children. Parenting is “messy” business. There is no “prescription” for dealing with the day-to-day challenges of raising children. There are however, basic communication tools that can assist parents in dealing positively with challenges, while deepening the relationship between parent and child. This workshop will focus on how children learn….

Punishment and Rewards: What to do Instead ….WORKSHOP TOMORROW NIGHT!

February 22, 2012 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

 This Fantastic Workshop is tomorrow night!   Setting boundaries that work with children    Parenting is a life-long learning process of nurturing our connection with our children.  Parenting is “messy” business.  There is no “prescription” for dealing with the day-to-day challenges of raising children.  There are however, basic communication tools that can assist parents in […]

Why Doesn’t My Child Listen to Me? A communication workshop for parents

September 26, 2011 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

Parenting is a life-long learning process of nurturing our connection with our children. Parenting is “messy” business. There is no “prescription” for dealing with the day-to-day challenges of raising children. There are, however, basic communication tools that can assist parents in dealing positively with challenges, while deepening the relationship between parent and child.

Call to reserve your seat: (310)408-5616

The Thrill of (vicarious) Success

July 25, 2011 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

It is so hard, as a parent, not to be seduced by the thrill of having our child “succeed.” And what exactly defines “success?” In early childhood, we often judge success on how much a child knows. This leads many parents to put their children into “academic” programs that focus on abstract knowledge, rather than experiential, play-based programs

Parenting Workshop: Oh Siblings!

July 10, 2011 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

“I secretly believed that sibling rivalry was something that happened to other people’s children. Somewhere in my brain lay the smug thought that I could outsmart the green-eyed monster by never doing any of the obvious things that all the other parents did to make their kids jealous of each other. I’d never compare, never take sides, never play favorites. If both boys knew they were loved equally, there might be a little squabble now and then, but what would they really have to fight about?

A Taste of Compassion—One Day NVC Event

March 31, 2011 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

A Taste of Compassion—One Day NVC Event

April 2 in Huntington Beach CA from 9 AM to 6 PM, Come all day or part of the day

With “Ecstatic 5-rhythms” dancing from 6 to 8 PM. Requested donation $15 t0 $30, no one turned away for lack of funds

SoCal NVC is hosting. See website for details

Or email

Location: Healy Residence, near Warner Ave. and Algonquin St. (details
provided with registration) Huntington Beach, CA 92649

Cost: We are requesting a donation of $15 – $30 per person to cover
expenses. If you can contribute more, then please do so. No one will be
turned away for lack of funds


March 22, 2011 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

PARENTING CLASSES April 14th – May 19th, 2011 ECHO PARENTING EMPATHY-LEAD PARADIGM FOR RAISING CHILDREN Contact Azucena Ortiz at 213.484.6676 ext 311 or for directions and information. *Some partial scholarships and payment plans are available. Have you ever been surprised at the level of frustration you’ve felt toward your child? Raising children is so […]


February 24, 2011 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

I have been putting my attention on listening lately.

I was thinking about a conflict the other day that involved my son and myself. I realized that ‘conflict resolution,’ per se, doesn’t truly exist when the conflict is between the two of us. And that is because I have an agenda. You see, I think I know the better way, the better tactic, the “truth,” and even before I let my son explain his thoughts and intentions, I am already formulating my response.

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