Walking Infants…… (and skinny mommies)
March 23, 2012 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
Walking infants travel the length of 29 football fields each day….
Use Your Words!
June 6, 2011 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
Parenting can be like tobogganing down a flight of stairs on a swatch of cardboard: smooth and easy, with just a couple of bumps and bruises! A good guideline for accomplishing this is to swap shoes with your child: treat them as you would like to be treated. And like Horton says: “People are People no Matter How Small.”
Green School in Bali…I just wish there was one here!!
December 6, 2010 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
You have to watch this…it’s about an amazing school in Bali that teaches the 3 R’s, and so much more! These kids come to expect a “whole” education, and the founders hope that, as a result, they will demand a “Whole” World!
Defining Kindergarten Readiness Once and For All!
November 10, 2010 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
Kindergarten readiness, a hot topic among politicians, is also a hot topic among parents. With this in mind, let’s look at how kindergarten readiness goes far beyond learning the ABC’s and starts way back in infancy.
Neil DeGrasseTyson on America’s Education Deficit
June 15, 2010 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
“Kids want to explore. They look at something and ask ‘How does that work?’ But we stop them from finding out…” Neil DeGrasseTyson
Play: It’s the way young children learn
April 1, 2010 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
A generation ago, kindergarten was supposed to get kids ready for school. But now everyone is talking about the importance of “school readiness” before kids get to kindergarten. That’s why many parents, anxious for their children to succeed in school, want early care and education programs to have children sit at tables using work sheets, […]