Old-Fashioned Play Builds Serious Skills
April 29, 2012 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
The way that children spend their time has changed. A growing number of psychologists believe that these changes in what children do has also changed kids’ cognitive and emotional development.
It turns out that all that time spent playing make-believe actually helped children develop a critical cognitive skill called executive function. Executive function has a number of different elements, but a central one is the ability to self-regulate. Kids with good self-regulation are able to control their emotions and behavior, resist impulses, and exert self-control and discipline.
What’s Wrong with our Food System?
February 9, 2012 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
What’s Wrong with our Food System? ….an eloquent and revealing reflection by 11 year old Birke Baeh
Setting Limits Compassionately (Don’t Miss This Amazing 1-Night Workshop!)
February 9, 2012 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
PUNISHMENTS and REWARDS: What to do Instead Setting boundaries that work with children Parenting is a life-long learning process of nurturing our connection with our children. Parenting is “messy” business. There is no “prescription” for dealing with the day-to-day challenges of raising children. There are however, basic communication tools that can assist parents in […]
Green School in Bali…I just wish there was one here!!
December 6, 2010 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
You have to watch this…it’s about an amazing school in Bali that teaches the 3 R’s, and so much more! These kids come to expect a “whole” education, and the founders hope that, as a result, they will demand a “Whole” World!