Should We Let Our Boys Play with Girls’ Toys?
April 21, 2013 by Linda
Filed under Parenting From Balance©
I have finally taken a stand on this. I will no longer allow my boys to play with “girls'” toys. I know this might seem a little radical or deviant, so please bear with me. I promise you’ll be glad you did. (It might even stop you from damaging your own child! 😉
It all started last holiday season, when I was in a toy shop looking around for a last minute gift. An interesting young lady, about 11, caught my notice for some reason. She was intently surveying a shelf of various science kits and build-able toys like erector sets and legos. While I was watching, an older person suddenly came out from the back room and paused to assist the girl.
“Who are you shopping for, dear?” the woman asked.
“Myself.” the girl responded.
The woman immediately gestured to the right, “The girls’ toys are over there.”
The girl, looking a bit dazed, obeyed, and shuffled over to the section to which she was directed.
Curious, I asked the woman “What kinds of toys are over there?” I was genuinely perplexed, imagining pink chemistry sets, perhaps.
The woman said “You know, dolls and things like that.”
“But she was interested in the chemistry sets and other science kits over here!” I responded with surprised dismay.
The woman burped out a short, fat “Oh!” like a bubble from a wand.
I left the store feeling really uneasy, and the longer I thought about it, the more roiled I became!
Thank god the parents of Joan of Arc and Margaret Mead didn’t direct them to the “girls’ ” section!!
Our children (and people in general) hear the way we use language to describe things, and they assimilate it unconsciously (or consciously) as their own. We pass down our biases to them through our attitudes, actions, and words. And take note: who is to say that our children are not also internalizing some self-judgement about their own secret preferences or feelings, when we make certain proclamations to them? Who is to say that our labeling doesn’t cause our children just a little self-revulsion? Just a little self doubt? Just a little separation from their intrinsic desires and gifts?
I don’t even know that we could attribute any general tendencies at all to “males” and “females.” It is a real chicken and egg sort of problem. When we label things as “boy” or “girl,” male or female, that act of labeling in itself perpetuates the bias. It is impossible to say for certain whether anything is organically male or female, except perhaps the plumbing itself.
And so, I refuse to consciously perpetuate the biases that keep people from comfortably trying things on. As much as my awareness will allow me, I refuse to use labels around my children. I refuse to label jobs, clothing, toys, behaviors, or anything else as “boys’ ” or “girls’. ”
And just think, the tendency to label things as “boy/girl” is just ONE bias that we have in this culture (world?)!
Isn’t it wonderful to know that our journey just keeps unfolding?
Lots of Love,