Wednesday, January 22, 2025

“A human nurtured instead of shamed, and loved instead of driven by fear, develops a different brain and therefore a different mind.

January 7, 2010 by  
Filed under Parenting From Balance©

Interview with Joseph Chilton Pearce
by Brent Cameron
Common ground: Archive : March 2005 © Copyright 1982-2006 Common Ground Publishing Corp. All rights reserved.

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Brent: Joe, as you look back over 50 years and four books on child development, I am wondering where you are at today. What are you thinking and feeling now? Perhaps as a starting place I can quote from the last page of your latest book, The Biology of Transcendence. “A human nurtured instead of shamed, and loved instead of driven by fear, develops a different brain and therefore a different mind. He will not act against the well-being of another nor against his larger body, the living Earth.”

Joseph Chilton Pearce: I stand by that. The word transcendence means the ability to go beyond limitation and constraint and that’s what the biological system is designed to do, provided nurturing and a safe base are given. Over the past 50 years researchers showed us more about the real development of children than we’ve ever known in history. Ironically in North America our education system is specifically going point for point against every single research discovery made.

Read the whole (amazing) interview here:

Lots of Love,
Linda Shannon
Riviera PlaySchool, a Redondo Beach preschool for attachment parents

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